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  • I will take the action of reaching out to colleagues for advice on parent/family involvement and communication. I will also look into professional development resources to aid in this endeavor. I can assess this goal through parent/guardian questionnaires pre and post-unit plans and comparing scores. 

  • Through the use of social media, podcasts, and keep in close contact with colleagues and classmates I can remain connected to the PE professional development sphere. 

  • I recently started keeping a journal of all my "wins" or sweet moments that happen in my teaching career and this is a positive resource to have on tough days and will help me remain resilient in the face of difficulty. I also think by taking care of my own mental and physical health I can remain a happier more influential teacher. 

  • Advice for new teachers: be flexible in your planning and expectations, collaborate with anyone you can, and take sound advice from those with more experience.

  • My overarching goal for this year was to "use and adapt resources, technologies, and standards-aligned instructional materials to make Physical Education and Health Accessible to all students."

  • My Initial and final CSTP assessments were stable except in the CSTP 1 & 3 were switched in strength order on the final exam, showing improvement in organization and standards-based teaching

  • I have surprised myself in the use of creatively repurposing materials to fit my student's needs and my professional growth research abilities that have added to my resources and knowledge of the curriculum. 

  • I have identified the goal of improving parent and family communication and involvement in the classroom. With virtual teaching, this year and having 600+ students to asses there was a miscommunication on my part that I want to improve on. This year was a great chance to allow families into the conversation about physical fitness and health and in hindsight, I should have encouraged more family involvement in lessons.

Sports Practice
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